Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Song of Ocol #2

Explain the following lines:

Lover of toys,
Look at his toy weapons,
His utensils, his hut...
Toy garden, toy chickens,
Toy cattle,
Toy children... (47-53)


  1. As Okot continued looking things (kids, building and toy…), he started to condemn himself why he lookedreasons for pride in Africa’s past. But there were seemingly nothing at all to be worthwhile, or things would convince him to regain his roots among his own people.

  2. I suppose Okot is trying to illustrate the lifestyle of African societies in poverty. Because they do not have much wealth their lifestyle is primitive; their weapons, tools, homes, agriculture, pastrolism, etc.

  3. In the poem, the author used the comparing write to show that the toys were very important to the children. In fact, to most of children, toys are their lovers. Indeed, children believed that by playing with toys they would feel very happy. Furthermore, most children wanted to live in the place with were full of toys and happiness. The author hope the reader could have the enthusiasm live in the life as the kind of toys their children want enthusiasm.

  4. The poem addresses differences in values, cultures and believes. It is Black people culture versus European culture,
    an argument honoring the traditions of African society.

    Lover of toys,
    Look at his toy weapons,
    His utensils, his hut...
    Toy garden, toy chickens,
    Toy cattle,
    Toy children... (47-53)

    It is a beautiful example and realization that a child's happiness is not dependent on the richness of the country he was born into.
    As long as he has all the primitive basics, he is developing according to the nature's values.
    Therefore he is shaped into a happy and optimistic person who can distinguish between real importance of life and materialism.
    I have never been to Africa, but I can vividly imagine that the life over there is less hectic and has more purity.

  5. Child lover of toys-Children who suppose to love toys.

    Look at his toy weapon, his utensils, his hut.....- look at his toy, which is weapon, utensils and hut .
    ( I have reconize this because i saw documntry before, Kids in africa are force to be stong and have guns around them because they were under control by older african males.Is like they are having some illegal activities that were control by others.)

    Toy garden, toy chickens, toy cattle- poor kids, all he could get to play with are chickens , cattles which lives inside the garden.

    toy children.......- even their life is worth as much as a toy to others.( I mean these kids are being used by others like toys .)
