Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Black Woman #6

In America, do you think, for humans, Black beauty is as valued as other forms of beauty-- e.g., White beauty, Asian beauty, Chican(o/a) beauty? Why or why not?


  1. in my opinion, Black beauty is as valued as other forms of beauty. Beauty is a feeling that we express a favor or get enjoy in sense to something or someone. Its definition is different in different times, nations, or people. Beauty doesn’t have unified standard, it only a viewpoint of things for people. For example, in my eyes, the Asian girl is very beautiful, but maybe in other race’s eyes, it can be so so.

  2. Yes, I do think so. Black beauty is the same beauty as the other forms of beauty. In the U.S, America is an immigrant country; we can see many different color and racial people in the street, such as white, yellow, brown, and black. But we still can make friends with each other because we are equal.

    It is the same model applies to “Beauty”. As a humans, we cannot choose what color we dress before we are born; we have to accept the gift from our race and ethnicity no matter what color.
    And I think beauty is a sense-- it is subjective. There is no standard to judge what color should be the most beautiful. Also, in my mind, as long as people have a positive attitude and confidence to face their life-- they will be the most beautiful man and woman in the world. There is no any problems exist about which color is the most charming color, it may depends on the appreciator, viewpoints and perspectives.

  3. Karen says it best. If one is the best they can be, he or she will be the most beautiful person inside. Beauty comes in many shades, and black is certainly no exception as it is just another form of beauty. When our world divided into different continents, diversity took its course. As time went by, people began preferring certain aspects of what they like, particularly in a person. It's a matter of choice and most importantly about embracing who we are, and not to succumb to ideal looks that conform to the world in which we live.

  4. I am absolutely agreed all you guys saying, Black beauty is as valued as other forms of beauty. There is no real definition/standard to judge what color should be the most attractive. If one asks my definition of female beauty, I would cite inner beauty ( such as happiness, kind and healthiness), rather than particular physical characteristics. Generally speaking, most of us might wish that we have a perfect eyes, noise, mouth and body… for perfection; as we already know, humans are imperfect, but that do not mean that we think of ourselves poorly or wish to be someone else, instead we should embrace our personal beauty and be happy.

  5. Beauty is a feeling and it depends on subjective sense of value of each people. I mean the standard of value about beauty is various depending on each people.
    Everything in the world has its own proper beauty and to find and feel the beauties of them is depended on each of us.
    Therefore, Black beauty is of course as valued as other forms of beauty. Black, White, Asian, and Chican have their own proper beauty.

  6. Yes, Black beauty is as valued as other forms of beauty. Because different people have different type of taste, there's no standard to determine which color of skin is the most beautiful. On the other hand, just because the different colors, different cultures, different belief make our world more beautiful. Black people, black culture is parts of our life and in certain group of people's view, black is beauty. So absolutely, Black beauty is as valued as other forms of beauty.

  7. To me black beauty is equal to all other beauty in the world that makes no difference to my eyes. Many people think of beauty being on the outside but I believe that beauty is the person mind that is the essence of who they really are and that it is their true beauty than the physical shell to the outside world.

  8. I absolutely agree with many of you that Black beauty is as valued as other forms of beauty. people in America came from all over the world, and each race has it's own standard and view of beauty. it does not matter if people are black, white, Asian, Middle east, we all have our own beauty. so, we need to respect other people' beauty in order for people to respect you back.

  9. Yes, black also is beauty as others. Beauty is to bring enjoyment to other people. Everyone have different imagination about beauty but we cannot judge black is not as part of beauty by a few opinions. Beauty not only in the outside also inside, as long as people have good position attitude you are consider as beauty no matter what color of your skin.

  10. Beauty within women is the same as beauty within other women. We all know there are other women out there are that are more beautiful than others, but one can say that they are all beautiful. People are entitled to their own opinion where one think this race of beauty isn't as beaufitul as this race, but that is just their own opinion.
